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THESE  photos were taken from my own mobil phone, when I was  medtating upon gods kindness  to sort out life most complex problems, the sun is a healing agent, BUT,taken to much at onc cause one to go in the wrong dirction before their time,

 I was watching the sunset, on this particular evening,when the answer came to me,

on how life most comlex problems, got intangle out of line, which causes all of societies mistake against each other, the worst over centures was blaming some one else for what one has been themselves, when it comes in on one, if we understand our past mistakes, in our selves and it comes back at us, then we correct it in our children,

then wait and one will see clearly the next level to understand, in wisdom of our words.

the bible has been read over and over again, and past down through the genations, ,

 each and ever one of us has parts of the bible come in on us, and each culture representd different parts of the bible, and verses, of mistakes we have corrected before. english = scotish. of those who understand the true path, is jerermia in earlier times, of life, then psalms= the revelations.these are the three steps we had to live by so we didn,t  undo all the hard work of the past, fore fathers and mother, in our generation we were taught values,as these values taught us the short cut to the bible, we had to live by them, to understand the true meanings to our mistakes against others

 To my knowledge this has never been put into words before  or written down,

 to get complete control on the weather it has to be written down as indiviguals, of words ones own parents have said'

It all connects , with a bird, a animal, a fish,  a tree, a flowers, north east south and west,

we only see as far as the people we associates with or our own families, unless we are wise enough to know further ahead, with out touching whats now our own before our time, whats good for one isn,t good for another as its not the right path to take,

 For centuries gods wisdom of words have been passed around spiritually, to family trees, then turned to material possessions, but for us to have control on 

the weather as we go   it now has to be done in writing of indiviguals  as our words form the clouds


The Healing Power of  the Sun

sun lght  trvels yellowzigzag

Don,t Fence Me In

Don,t fence me in,  there a song, made from this ,( turn me loose and set me free)

which means, where ever you may be let your wisdom go free,= as ever ones minds determine it differently  this is what makes the passage through branch out indifferent directions,

so if we take the word == FENCE, and look up the verse in the bible, this is its true message, from god==fence= 31=4(31)lord, i trust in you alone don,t let my enemies defeatme, rescue me  because  you are the god who always dose what is right(4) pull me from the trap my enemies  have set for me for you alone are strong enough,  means we have to help our selves before god can help us first, old say,=  god help those who help themselves, and god help those whom i catch helping themselves==in other words help yourself the wisdom of your own words, by understanding why , but if god catches one from helping themselves of some wisdom path before thier time then they shut themselves our from god , This is  how each word we have said in past present and  futures    will help us lie up the weather  so we won,t get it to extremes,

CAGE=16=7(16)  save me lord as i have come to you for refuge(7) i will bless the lord  who counsels me  he gives me  wisdom in the night he tells me what to do ,=C,A,G,E,=  coarse ahead, god eternity=.,.,.30=FENCE


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