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back when i was very litte alot of things were said by our aunties uncles, father and mothers,

they would say only half of the full meanings to what it all really meant . as there is a adult meaning to ever thing they said,

in wisdom terms, this brnig back to my mind of something that was written in a autograph book, i was only little but, there was some thing in this that triggered of ,that i had o know the deeper meaning of it.

this was written back inthe 40,s 2yyur2yyubicur2yy4me==

2 two meaning to everthing in life, a spiritual one and a material  possession one

how on earth could they have known that there would be texing in the, 2000 s

so it just goes to show that our older parents knew a deeper meaning to ur life, but could ut the full words in conversations, as to what there subconsious minds knew.


Its uncanny how god created parrots, of ever colour of the rainbow, the rainbow that forms in the sky is the energy force from the universe,, of colours already mixed, of healing power, most parrots parrot of the same thing, which in life us humans act like it to, so if we look at the bird formations  we can study our own movements,there an adult meaning to why birds that look like rainbows, was created they mimick and copy our actions, so what the parrots are really saying  is look at me, my body, to understand the next level, of how our true existance, and why= wisdom held yonder==(59)oh my god save me from my enemies, protect me from these who have come to distroy me(14)let these evil  wo-men slink back at evenings  and prowl the cities all night before they are satisfied howling like dogs searching for food.(5) god of heavens armies god arise and punish, the heathen  nations surroundig us, do no spare, these evil treacherous, wo-men,==

means, people search other family trees taking parts of live that not thier before  thier time an old saying is, they took our land, the took our money, now they want to takes our lives our good health, these past mistakes are being acted out against others for ceturies and centuries , down the family tree, and is whats causing life most complex problems.



birds formation, when one watches the birds in the sky flying in groups and tension and wind is in the air,

 has one ever watched them fall back and the wiser one goes in front that can handle the wind of tension,

 well our lives are like that,

if we barge ahead into something our minds don,t understand. then we bring stuff in on us thas we can,t handle, and causes us confusion in our speech,

birds of a feather flock together

 birds are connected with our family tree in all generation and cultures,

they help make a path when flying  by breakng up the tension  above our heads,

each different spices of birds connext to our family tree on what path in time we are to travel

ever noticed some people as we get older take on the image of a bird, a animal, fish , or any living mammal,

thats bcause they are connexted with the family tree of them.





birds feather

when hell freezes over

birds of a feather flock together

Colours of the RainBow

Leap Frog of Life

  Gymnasttics is a form of action we would do from planet to planet as we past the wisdom around to different levels, on each planet, leap frog was a very common play action, we would move through all lives with out touching whats not ours before our time, our past mistakes against other is what blocking gods and our view, to progress further,

]Hell freezes over, is what became of venus, when we made a mistake and broke the wisdom of words, around each planet, venus froze over, as the blocks stopped wisdom of words getting through

If we had it all before and this did happen, well our ancestery words are what floating around between each planet, of our family tree, these words would of being what they said, just before they realized, that they couldn,t find thier way back to connect to the other planets in wisdom of words,

In ou day and age, now, if we go to far in any one direction in the universe, then this could happen again. HELL=

(37) never envy the wicked=(10) onl a little while an the wicked will disappear, you will look for them in vain,

h,e,l,l,= heaven eternal long live

dogs a mans best friend

dogs a mans best friend, dog is daughter of god d,o,g,

 and spelt backwards, is god=

 notice in the picture they all looking in different direction., dog looking up- old cat looking middle. and kitten looking down, dog = is the leader, cat stay i middle, and kitten still learning at the botttom, this is as our lives in our family should be, when litle a child mind know but doesn,t understand, when an adult, the women stays at shoulder lenghts of the male, to hold above ones head, the wisdom to the male to work out , only whats being understood goes to women the women to child at there levels they can understand,

top middle and bottom

god made us in his image to help him with his plan, we have the whole universe to conquer, (REMEMBER) first the planets that surround us

 remember=(79)=ogod your land has being conquered, your temple has been defiled and is in a heap of ruins, by the heathen nations(16) for we are chopped and and burned by our enemies may they perish at your frown,(7) turn us against to yourself oh god of heaven armies, look down on us in joy and love only then we shall be saved== rulers enter move  eternal men behind enter rulers

  notice how each word broken down matches up with the verse of the bible,(psalms)




THE HUMMING BIRDS we would hum when we sing  a connection true as,


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